The Right Guitar Capo from the Right Guitar Store for Better Guitar Sound

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The guitar, like any musical instrument, requires time, effort, making mistakes, repitition and patience. The more you play the guitar the better your guitar plays, the better guitar sound you produce, the easier it becomes and the more confident you feel.

Confidence and the ability to relax are also key factors. You can plainly see here what happens when your guitar store provides you with the wrong guitar gear.

Struggling with guitar capo placement
Perhaps the guitar capo isn’t the problem here.
Some guitar capos just don't play well
Not all guitar capos even fit on the neck properly

You’re not getting the good guitar sound you need here, are you now. Obviously, if one is going to guitar in style, one needs to go to the right guitar store and get the right guitar gear.

Good guitar sounds with a good guitar capo
Sounds much better, and looking pretty sharp.

Like any piece of equipment, your guitar capo counts when it comes to playing good guitar sounds.

Here is an excellent, up close look at what good guitar gear from the right guitar store looks like.

A few things to consider:

  • A guitar capo that doesn’t work is a pain in the butt. Cheap guitar capos don’t usually work that well (although there are a few good ones). I have even had some that wouldn’t fit on the neck of the guitar. Avoid that hassle by just getting a good quality capo.
  • Don’t overuse the capo. My preference is to play without the capo first and only attach it if I have a valid reason. Guitar chords are easier to play high on the fretboard, but don’t fall into the trap of getting used to that and not being able to play with open strings.
  • The main reason I use a capo is for singing. It is much easier to simply find the place on your fretboard that suits your voice than to strain your voice trying to suit the guitar. Since many guitar players enjoy singing along avoid the frustration of not being able to get the most out of your voice.
  • And if you’re saying to yourself “my singing sucks anyway so why bother,” well, maybe that’s why. Try singing in a key that suits your voice, you might just surprise yourself. This is not a guaranteed solution, if you need further assistance with your singing don’t blame the capo.
  • If you’re playing guitar with others a guitar capo will help you play in their key without having to relearn chord patterns on the fly. And you don’t want to be sitting there with everybody watching you make micro adjustments of you capo on the guitar neck to avoid fret buzz or dead strings. And you certainly don’t want the smallest slip to cause these problems while your mid-tune. Talk about embarrasing, the absolute opposite of “guitar in style.”

Looking for a great guitar capo to help you “guitar in style”?

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