The Tree Monkey Guitar Capo is Going Strong

5-star Amazon Seller
The Tree Monkey Guitar Capo is a 5-star seller on

After a tumultuous twelve months, we are thankful that we have been able to keep our business moving forward. Primarily thanks to the strength of our signature guitar capo on Amazon.

And for good reason. I am a regular user of capos, and having used a few over the years I know the quality of our capo is where it needs to be to help you “guitar in style.”

You play your best guitar when your gear is doing it’s job, and that’s what the Tree Monkey Capo does. Solid, can be placed far enough from the fret that it doesn’t get in your way, no fret buzz here.

And it’s so easy to just open it up and move it where you need it so you can play in any key at any time.

Play open chords anywhere on the fret buzz, no need to transpose or learn new barre chord patterns.

A good capo helps you sing!

For me it is the biggest reason I use a capo. When I have the basics of a song together I try it with the capo at various frets to see where my voice is the most comfortable. No need to strain my voice.

Style, yes, guitar in style

I confess, I just like the smooth curves on this capo. It looks good and we all like to look good when we’re playing.

Songwriter with capo
No, this isn’t me. I’m a little older than that. But I couldn’t help but notice that good looking capo he’s using.